(2014.2.18)We released a new version of Android version Panecal. The Panecal can be download from Google Play. We worked to strengthen the memory of this up. It is now possible to use a variable memory A .. F and M memory(M +, M-, MC) as a new feature. Substituting in advance a value to a variable memory A..F, we can perform mathematical calculations “AB ÷ (A + B) =” such as. This function is very useful in calculations are performed repeatedly by changing some of the values in the formula.
Calculation example
1. Assign 2 to memory A: [2] [A (Long press)]
2. Assign 3 to memory B: [3] [B (Long press)]
3. AB ÷ (A + B) = :[ALT] [A] [ALT] [B] [÷] [(] [ALT] [A] [+] [ALT] [B] [)] [=]
4.Result: 1.2